Publications - Artificial intelligence (AI) systems, customer experience and preference in the tourism industry in Ghana: Focus on Accra Metropolis

Bedu EForoudi PPalazzo M
Contemporary Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in Sustainable Tourism, (2024)

This research examined the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) systems on customer experience and brand preference in the hospitality and tourism industry in Ghana. Customer experience was the focal construct of the study. Interaction, information, accessibility and customization were the dimensions that build AI systems. Brand preference, brand loyalty, ethical consideration and purchase decisions represented the consequences of customer experience. This study evaluates how the previously listed constructs interact to provide a positive customer brand experience. Microsoft Forms was used to perform the quantitative study, which had 150 participants. SPSS was used to statistically analyse the quantitative research. The study revealed that, a positive and significant relationship exists between customer brand experience (BE) and information system (FS); brand preference (BP); brand loyalty (BL) which indicated that the H1, H2, H5 and H7 were supported by the results of the study. However, H3, H4, H6 and H8 are not fully supported by the results that a positive and significant relationship exists between customer brand experience (BE) and accessibility system (AS), customization system (CS), purchase decision (PD) and ethical consideration (EC). The research suggested that adopting AI systems can significantly enhance customer experience and brand preference. Therefore, managers should consider investing in AI systems that align with their business objectives. This includes chatbots, recommendation engines, and AI-driven analytics tools that can personalize services and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Source: Routledge