
Number of Articles - 10

Publications: Enhancing Cocoa Crop Resilience in Ghana: The Application of Convolutional Neural Networks for Early Detection of Disease and Pest Infestations

Atianashie Miracle. (2024). Enhancing Cocoa Crop Resilience in Ghana: The Application of Convolutional Neural Networks for Early Detection of Disease and Pest Infestations. Qeios. doi:10.32388/DPS5ZH.Atianashie Miracle. (2024). Enhancing Cocoa Crop Resilience in Ghana: The Application of Convolutional Neural Networks for Early Detection of Disease and Pest Infestations. Qeios. doi:10.32388/DPS5ZH.Atianashie Miracle. (2024). Enhancing Cocoa Crop Resilience in Ghana: The Application of Convolutional Neural Networks for Early Detection of Disease and Pest Infestations. Qeios. doi:10.32388/DPS5ZH.

Introducing the revolutionary “Advanced Prompt Engineering Guide for Account, Finance, and Audit Professionals” David King Boison (PhD) and Teddy Bonsu. This book will transform how finance professionals leverage AI, driving unparalleled accuracy and efficiency in financial processes.
Mensah, G. B., Nyante, F., Addy, A., & Frimpong, P. O. (2024).  Africa Journal for Law and Development Research (AJFLDR), 2024(2), 16–26.
Benneh Mensah, G., & Dutta, P. K. (2024). Evaluating if Ghana’s Health Institutions and Facilities Act 2011 (Act 829) Sufficiently Addresses Medical Negligence Risks from Integration of Artificial Intelligence Systems. Mesopotamian Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, 2024, 35–41.

The Federal Ministry of Communication, Innovation and Digital Economy (FMCIDE) 2024

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International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, (2023), 12(2)
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Contemporary Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in Sustainable Tourism, (2024)
Susar DAquaro V
ICEGOV '19: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governanc, (2019)

Amegadzie JKanubala DCobbina K et al.(2021)