General News - Vanuatu Trade Commission Ghana signs historic MOU with El-Roi London University for AI Africa Project

Vanuatu Trade Commission Ghana signs historic MOU with El-Roi London University for AI Africa Project

The Vanuatu Trade Commission in Ghana has signed a momentous Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with El-Roi London University, marking the first partnership of its kind between a United Kingdom-based university and the commission. This collaboration aims to advance the AI Africa Project, focusing on training and capacity-building for trainees and trainers across the continent.

El-Roi London University, the higher education academy of the El-Roi London Academy, is a private university renowned for its unique approach to higher education. With degree-awarding powers granted by The Kingdom of Hawai'i Royal Accreditation Commission (KOHRAC) in Honolulu, USA, the university emphasizes an emancipatory concept of higher education.

This approach involves critically examining social, political, and institutional structures to uncover and address social injustices and inequities. Additionally, the university is committed to transpersonal higher education, which prioritizes the knowledge and discovery of truth while addressing questions of value, meaning, and purpose.

The signing of the MOU represents a significant step forward in fostering educational and technological development in Africa. The AI Africa Project is designed to equip individuals with cutting-edge skills in artificial intelligence, enhancing their capabilities to contribute to the continent's burgeoning tech ecosystem.

His Excellency Ambassador Professor Hugh Aryee, the Vanuatu Trade Commissioner in Ghana, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, stating, "This agreement with El-Roi
 London University is a groundbreaking development for the AI Africa Project. By leveraging the university's innovative approach to education and its commitment to social justice, we can provide unparalleled training opportunities for our trainees and trainers. This collaboration is not only a testament to the potential of our shared vision but also a beacon of hope for the future of education and technology in Africa."

Ambassador Aryee further emphasized the significance of this partnership, adding, "El-Roi London University's focus on emancipatory and transpersonal higher education aligns perfectly with our goals to empower individuals and communities through knowledge and technology. This MOU will pave the way for transformative educational experiences that address both the technical and ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence."
